


《Heart Rhythm》杂志是国际心律学领域最重要的学术期刊之一,了解《Heart Rhythm》新近接收的文章无疑有助于我们了解心律学领域最前沿的资讯、把握最新的研究动态及方向。为此,我们再度联手《Heart Rhythm》杂志推出HeartRhythm热点追踪,读者朋友们可以抢先了解该杂志最新接收文章的题目,1月接收的文章是:



"SGK1 Inhibition Attenuates the Action Potential Duration in Re-Engineered Heart Cell Models of Drug-Induced QT Prolongation" by Michael J Ackerman et al has been accepted for publication by Heart Rhythm.




A Research Letter titled "Detection and identification of cardiac implanted electronic devices in a large dataset of chest radiographs using semi-supervised artificial intelligence methods" by Pascal Theriault-Lauzier et al. has been accepted for publication by Heart Rhythm.




A research letter titled "Cardioneuroablation for carotid sinus syndrome. A case series" by Pietro Francia et al has been accepted for publication by Heart Rhythm.




Claudio Pandozi et al. have the following contemporary review accepted by Heart Rhythm: "New insights in atrioventricular nodal anatomy, physiology and immunochemistry: a comprehensive review and a proposed model of the slow-fast atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia circuit in agreement with direct potential recordings in the Koch’s triangle area”




"Electrocardiographic and electrophysiological characteristics of ventricular arrhythmias from right bundle branch of the moderator band" by yunlong wang et al. has been accepted for publication by Heart Rhythm.

