《Heart Rhythm》杂志是国际心律学领域最重要的学术期刊之一,了解《Heart Rhythm》新近接收的文章无疑有助于我们了解心律学领域最前沿的资讯、把握最新的研究动态及方向。为此,我们再度联手《Heart Rhythm》杂志推出HeartRhythm热点追踪,读者朋友们可以抢先了解该杂志最新接收文章的题目,5月接收的文章是:
Coming soon to Heart Rhythm: "Predictors and Outcomes of Heart Block During Surgical Stage I Palliation of Single Ventricle Patients: A Report From NPC-QIC" by Richard J Czosek et al.
Antonio Berruezo et al had the following paper accepted by Heart Rhythm: "Impact of a Pre-defined Pacemapping Protocol Use for Ablation of Infrequent Premature Ventricular Complexes: A Prospective, Multicenter Study"
Ashutossh Naaraayan et al had the following paper accepted for publication in Heart Rhythm:"Arrhythmia prevalence among patients with Polymyositis-Dermatomyositis in the United States: an observational study"