

       《Heart Rhythm》杂志是国际心律学领域最重要的学术期刊之一,了解《Heart Rhythm》新近接收的文章无疑有助于我们了解心律学领域最前沿的资讯、把握最新的研究动态及方向。为此,我们再度联手《Heart Rhythm》杂志推出HeartRhythm热点追踪,读者朋友们可以抢先了解该杂志最新接收文章的题目,5月接收的文章是:
"Pre-Implantation Interlead ECG Heterogeneity Is Superior to QRS Complex Duration in Predicting Mechanical Super-Response in Patients with Non-Left Bundle Branch Block Receiving Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy" by Richard L. Verrier et al had been accepted by Heart Rhythm.
Jonathan C Hsu et al had the following paper accepted by Heart Rhythm: "A Comparison of Left Ventricular Lead Upgrade versus Continued Medical Care Among Patients Eligible for Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy at the Time of Defibrillator Generator Replacement".
Miguel Valderrábano et al had the following paper accepted by Heart Rhythm for publication: "Double balloon technique for retrograde venous ethanol ablation of ventricular arrhythmias in the absence of suitable intramural veins".
"Fatal arrhythmias: Another reason why doctors remain cautious about chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine for treating COVID-19" by Flavio Fenton et al have been accepted for publication in Heart Rhythm.
"Evaluation of mexiletine effect on conduction delay and bradyarrhythmic complications in patients with myotonic dystrophy type 1 over long-term follow-up" by Domenico Corrado et al had been accepted for publication in Heart Rhythm.
Atsushi Suzuki had the following paper accepted for publication in Heart Rhythm: "Biophysical Properties, Efficacy, and Lesion Characteristics of a New Linear Cryoablation Catheter in a Canine model".
"Clinical impact of left ventricular paced conduction disturbance in cardiac resynchronization therapy" by Takashi Noda et al had been accepted for publication in Heart Rhythm.
